Chalice 3 / CHAL3 200 5000-840 HFIX FL RSB


Karta katalogowa

A high efficient and sustainable LED downlight for high ceiling application with flood beam (29°) for high ceiling applications. Suitable for mounting in Ø200mm cut-out with spring clips. Remote, pluggable, DALI-2 dimmable LED driver with DC functionality, adjustable 1-100 %, emergency power level preset to 15%, NFC configurable, SwitchDIM compatible.Loop in - loop out possible. Body: die-cast aluminium for high efficient thermal management with recycling content >90%. Primary reflector: polycarbonate, glossy finish, facetted. Secondary optic and trim: polycarbonate smooth in satinbrite finish with wide beam. Class II electrical, IP20. Complete with 4000K LED

Installation in concrete ceilings not permitted.

Dimensions: Ø223 x 134 mm
Luminaire input power: 43.7 W
Luminaire luminous flux: 5541 lm
Luminaire efficacy: 127 lm/W
Weight: 1.41 kg

Mode selection
  • Pozycja lamp:STD - Standard
  • Źródło światła:LED
  • Strumień świetlny oprawy*:5541 lm
  • Skuteczność oprawy*:127 lm/W
  • Współczynnik oddawania barw:80
  • Statecznik:1 x 28000672 LCA 45W 500-1400mA one4all SR PRE
  • Temperatura barwowa*:4000 Kelvin
  • Tolerancja miejscowa barwy (initial Mac Adam):3
  • Średnia żywotność nominalna*:L90 50000 h przy 25 °C
  • Moc opraw*:43,7 W Współczynnik mocy = 0,98
  • sterowanie:Dali2Dim ściemniany do 1%
  • Kategoria konserwacji CIE 97:C - Zamknięty u góry odbłyśnik
  • LED
  • CE
  • EAC
  • NoIsol
  • ENEC11
  • GLedReP
  • 850°
  • Halogenfree
  • IK07
  • IP20
  • LLedNr
  • RG1
  • SC2
  • Ta=25

Dane fotometryczne

Photometric configuration


Use CalcExpress to quickly carry out quick online calculations of required indoor luminaire numbers for rectangular rooms. Enter the calculation parameters for your solution such as room dimensions, mounting height, height of the useful plane and required level of illuminance, and the site will instantly suggest a solution according to the light output ratio method.

Step 1: Technical data
Step 2: Room Data
Step 3: Result